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Submit a Poster

Desired Outcomes for the Women’s Leadership Conference:

• For women to develop skills for transformative service, leadership, and professional life.
• To enhance a personal sense of engagement, belonging, and empowerment.
• Create a stronger community among UL Lafayette and Acadiana women.
• Gain knowledge and skills for personal and professional growth.
• Increase awareness of campus and community resources for women.
• To provide a platform for our male advocates who are dedicated to supporting the advancement of our women community leaders.
• Celebrate the caring contributions of women, scholars, and professionals in our community

Poster Session Format and Guidelines:

Poster Session Format and Guidelines:
• Poster Sessions will be in a visual presentation format where presenters display their work using creative posters, digital slides, and other media with the goal of engaging conversation with conference attendees.
• Should your work be selected and scheduled for a visual presentation session, presenters will be asked to prepare talking points and be familiar enough with various aspects of their project to have an informal conversation with attendees.
• Conference attendees will be encouraged to interact with presenters and provide constructive feedback on projects.
• Interactive and digitized poster presentations are highly encouraged. While many may choose to display posters, presenters are invited to use a unique presentation format that best fits the originality of their research and presentation style. Further directions and instructions will be given to those whose presentations are selected. 
• The Poster Session is largely informal. Attendees will walk and browse through the presentations at their own leisure between conference sessions. The more interactive you are and the more unique your visual presentation is, the more likely attendees will stop to learn more about your research.
• Individuals selected for the Poster Sessions will receive discounted registration.

250-word abstract describing the Poster content/subject-matter, including any plans for an interactive component
A brief bio of no more than 250 words for each presenter
Choose an appropriate level of experience for your audience at the conference
A list of Learning outcomes for the Poster session